Thursday, November 26, 2009

When Insurgents are Right

(AFP/File/Abdurashid Abikar)

Would we listen? What if they were tied to al Qaeda? In Africa, donated food can destroy struggling local economies since farmers cannot compete with free goods. Fearing for their livelihood, disenfranchised farmers may explore other options typically involving violence.
Islamist insurgents in Somalia have told the United Nations' World Food Program to stop importing food aid into the country.

The group al-Shabab said in a statement Wednesday that the massive importing of food is ruining Somalia's agriculture sector.

The rebels said the WFP must start buying food from local farmers for distribution to the needy.

Al-Shabab warned Somali businesses to stop working with the U.N. agency by January 1, and said the WFP must empty its warehouses of food aid by that date.
You can read the full article here.

Al Shabab released a video
in late September this year proclaiming their allegiance to Osama bin Laden. Unfortunately this legitimate issue of foreign aid ravaging local economies cannot be addressed since it now will be viewed as a concession to terrorists.

This is a perfect example demonstrating a self-sustaining cycle of political violence. The political issue (food aid) cannot be remedied since the opposition group is a terrorist faction. Governments and other authoritative bodies cannot negotiate with terrorists and terrorists cannot recognize the legitimacy of governments and other authoritative bodies. If this were to occur both lose political credibility while the population potentially benefits...or suffers more.