Friday, November 6, 2009

Taliban COIN Field Manual

What aspects of the Taliban's playbook have NATO forces adopted for their COIN campaign?

The NEFA Foundation has a translated summary of the Taliban Code of Conduct here.

Of interest was the guidance for searching houses:
Mujahideen are required to avoid house search. If it’s imperative, then it should be conducted with the permission of district leader of the Emirate, having company of the local Imam-e- Masjid and two elders with white beards of the respective village.
Two elders with white beards? Has NATO adopted this culturally acceptable methodology for conducting searches? I cannot answer that with certainty right now. What I do know is that prosecuting trigger pullers for pulling the trigger has been a priority for the U.S. military leadership. Of course, our system of justice is considered a show-trial since the Afghans are more accustomed to beheadings, skinning, and mutilation.